Show on the Road owner, Mitchell, pictured circa 2002 with his 1983 Chevrolet El Camino
I have been detailing cars since the early 2000s and appreciating the results of good detailing with childhood memories of classic car shows going back as far as I can remember. It had been suggested that I start my own business numerous times over the years, but I’m of the “if you’re going to do something, do it right” mentality. It never felt quite right for one reason or another, so I would continue to detail in small side jobs; the last thing I wanted to do was get in over my head and compromise the quality of my work.
2017 was finally the year when everything felt right. Personal life challenges forced me to look closely at work-life balance and, more importantly, work-happiness balance. I’d had the skill and experience to detail vehicles for years, but I now realized I was finally ready to face the challenges of stepping from hobbyist/side-job to business owner. Everyone in this industry says the same things: "We treat your car like our own," "We use nothing but the best products." Show on the Road can easily claim the same, and I encourage you to inquire about any methods or products: there are no secrets here.
“Thank you for making me feel like a new car owner again. Love it and it looks phenomenal. I can’t thank you enough.”
What I feel I can say that's more important and what sets me apart from some is that it's more than just cleaning cars and making them shiny for me. I see automobiles as an art medium. I appreciate the art in their original design, and I appreciate the art of a customization. While I greatly respect collectors with garages full of show pieces and acknowledge the benefits to everyone of this collecting, I feel the art of automobiles can't fully be appreciated without experiencing the drive. I don't consider what I do to be art itself but instead caring for and protecting art so that it can withstand the beach sand, pet fur, toddlers' Cheerios, road salt, trail mud, and bird droppings that go along with the complete experience of owning and operating a unique piece of art.
I understand that not everyone has such a whimsical perspective on automobiles. For many of you, you don’t see a work of art in your garage, you see a valuable tool. I respect that and even share that perspective as well (art and tools don’t have to be mutually exclusive). As a homeowner, do-it-yourself mechanic, detailer, and more, I know the importance of having and caring for your tools, and Show on the Road can provide numerous services that won’t just keep your vehicle looking great but also keep it protected from very real damage that can whittle away at it faster than you might think. I won’t claim that professional detailing is as important to automobiles-as-tools as regular mechanical maintenance, but if you want to keep your vehicle for as long as possible, or if resale values are important to you, call or message Show on the Road, and we can put a plan together to meet your needs.
There is more to washing a vehicle than a hose and a bucket. In fact, the most common paint defects on vehicles come not from other environmental hazards but from the wash itself when performed incorrectly. Show on the Road has a number of different tools and methods and products available for achieving a properly-washed vehicle while preventing damage which include:
The 3-bucket method. A wash bucket, a rinse bucket, and a wheel bucket working together to safely wash the vehicle without spreading contamination and causing unnecessary damage.
Foam cannon. A dramatic, clinging foam soap to cover and pre-treat the entire vehicle.
Rinseless wash. For vehicles that are not excessively soiled, this method can conserve water and can even be performed in garages without drains.
Waterless wash. While not truly waterless, this method uses such little water that a bucket is not even involved. Not appropriate for very dirty vehicles, this method is the most conservative of water, sometimes using only a few liters of water total, which makes it great for quick maintenance on lightly-soiled vehicles at any location.
As an environmentalist and someone who has worked in aquatic natural resources conservation, I am personally conscientious about water usage and environmental safety. While zero-impact washing is very difficult to achieve, Show on the Road meets or exceeds all regulations, and I am always happy to hear and address any environmental impact concerns you may have.
Often referred to as "claying" the paint. Paint contamination is a general term for the many things that adhere and embed in your paint that washing cannot remove. Microscopic iron and other particles, tar, sap, chemicals left by dried water or bird droppings...all of these things can be quite damaging to paint leading to clear coat failure or even corrosion of the body/structure of your vehicle. Paint contamination also interferes with the bonding of waxes and sealants to your paint which shortens how long your paint's protection will last. Show on the Road will always check for these contaminants and remove them if found as part of every exterior service. When necessary, I also perform chemical decontamination to remove even the worst iron contaminants safely.
Show on the Road offers paint corrective services for paint defects on all types of paint. From swirls (the fine spiderweb-like scratches you see when you look at the reflection of light at a certain angle) to deeper scratches and even flaws for the most discerning of eyes such as orange peel, I evaluate every vehicle individually and will work with you on a course of action that is best for you, your vehicle, and your budget.
Show on the road offers a wide array of waxes, sealants and coatings to best meet your needs, protect and beautify your vehicle, and fit within your budget.
Wax is specifically organic-based waxes that are applied as a protective layer over paint. They provide unmatched beauty and depth to your finish, but they really only provide protection for a matter of weeks at most.
Sealants are synthetic polymers that can come close to the beauty of wax while providing much stronger, longer protection--up to 6 months in the case of some products. Wax can be layered over sealant to receive the best of both worlds.
Coatings are semi-permanent/permanent coatings usually composed of silicon or titanium-based compounds/polymers. They provide extremely strong physical and chemical protection and can last for years. Quality coatings can be costly, but often the investment is worthwhile given the long-term benefits.
Headlight restoration
With plastic/polycarbonate headlight housings being so common for decades, foggy, yellow headlights are such a common sight. Not only are these unsightly, but they are actually no longer performing at their job as headlights as they once did. Show on the Road can restore a crystal-clear finish and bring back that lost lighting.
paint chip repair
While some damage simply cannot be repaired 100% without a body shop, Show on the Road does offer paint chip repair for those looking to minimize the aesthetic impacts of small paint chips/scratches and to protect the underlying metal from corrosion.
At Show on the Road, nothing is rushed or taken for granted, and every detail is attended to. "Simply" vacuuming a vehicle is no exception. Your vehicle is carefully, meticulously vacuumed from front to back, top to bottom. I get into places you may not even know you had. I will find all the pet fur, every dropped french fry, clean-out every crevice and upholstery seam. If there's something that's difficult to reach, I reach it anyway. If different or extra tools are needed to do an area right, I use them.
Plastic, vinyl, and rubber are everywhere in vehicle interiors (and often exteriors). Without regular cleaning and protection, they discolor, dry-out, and eventually crack often due to UV exposure. Show on the Road not only cleans these surfaces but provides protection for these materials from UV rays with products that, unlike many you find on store shelves, won't dry them out and do more harm than good in the long run. For additional protection and beauty, I also offer a number of sealants for these surfaces.
Like any and everything else in a vehicle, leather needs care, too, and once the damage of neglect has been done, it's done. Show on the Road uses pH balanced cleansers and conditioners to properly care for all leather, suede, alcantara, vinyl, cloth, etc. Your leather will be clean and well conditioned/hydrated and without a dangerous, slippery finish that some inferior products/methods can leave behind.
I am also aware of the nuanced differences between various types of cloth, carpet, leather, suede, alcantara, leatherette, vinyl, nylon, polyester... Each may require slightly different approach and care, and unlike many detailers, I won't simply hit them with a quick one-size-fits-all approach--I do exactly what is required for a given material, and nothing more or less to ensure the longest possible life for the material and minimal chemical use.
For all of these materials, protection/sealants are available to enhance appearance and protect these surfaces from stains, body oils, and UV damage.
Glass can be deceptively difficult to get truly clean, but Show on the Road maintains its dedication to exceptional results even with something as seemingly simple as glass. Chemicals in your dash and other plastics can volatilize and coat the inside of your windshield. Smokers have all kinds of buildup on their glass. On the outside, glass can be damaged and contaminated just as paint can. I do whatever is necessary to get glass truly clean. If that means cleaning with degreaser before glass cleaner, then so be it. If it means using 10 different rags to get the job done right, I do it. Ammonia-based glass cleaner can damage many types of glass tinting; all of our products are tint safe.
Show on the Road also offers glass polishing service for those who truly want glass as close to perfect as possible.
Glass protection/sealants are also available.
Show on the Road utilizes a number of tools, products, and methods for stain removal to find the most appropriate but least aggressive means of removing a stain in any given situation. There are cases where a stain can not be completely removed, but those cases are rare. Every case is evaluated individually.
engine cleaning
Not only can a clean engine bay be beautiful to look at, but the materials in an engine bay are like any other--excessive, prolonged exposure to dirt and contamination shortens their lifespan. A clean engine bay is also a welcome work place for any mechanic, and can even help with diagnosing some problems that may arise. For example, pesky leaks can be very difficult to track-down on dirty engines, but can be quite easy to identify and identify much sooner on engines that are kept regularly cleaned. I am acutely aware of all the delicate electronics in engine bays and go to great lengths to perform this service with minimal risks.
“Mitch detailed my 1998 Subaru Outback right before I put it up for sale. It was incredible how beautiful and shiny the paint looked on a nearly 20 year old car! His glass polishing, headlight restoration, and trim restoration is incredible as well. It almost made me want to keep the car.”

regarding pricing
If you are looking for the cheapest, quickest possible detail, I will be honest and tell you that Show on the Road might not be for you. I seek to do the best possible job I can and provide the best long-term value to you as the customer and the best long-term care for your vehicle. I’m not looking to make a quick buck with rushed jobs that are "good enough." And while I welcome and encourage repeat customers, I do not want you to have to see me for services more than you want to or should have to. If you want "good enough," there are car washes and detailers out there willing to provide that. If you are looking for quality and a long-term value that makes every dollar spent really feel worthwhile, then Show on the Road is for you. If you are on a tight budget but would like to avoid being stuck with sub-standard service from someone else, don’t be afraid to ask—I’m happy to perform as much service as I can within the constraints of a limited budget with a mind on giving you the most bang for your buck and minding your highest priorities.
IMPORTANT: The following are STARTING prices. Many factors will influence your final price including, but not limited to: if the vehicle has been detailed before and when it was last detailed, excess dirt, road salt, pet fur, cigar(ette) smoke or e-cig vapor residue, rubber marks from race tracks, stain removal, scratch correction, etc. Pricing includes 50 miles of round-trip travel from my home office in Racine, WI, and additional mileage may have a trip charge at $0.50 per additional mile. Special accommodations are possible to eliminate or alleviate trip charges for customers in the Oshkosh and Sheboygan areas with flexible scheduling; contact me for more info.
Note regarding ceramic coatings:
While Show on the Road is a certified mobile installer for Gyeon, able to provide installation of Gyeon Q2 Cancoat Pro and Gyeon Q2 Flash (10-year manufacturer warranty!), Show on the Road is not limited to Gyeon ceramic coatings and does not have any exclusive partnerships with any product manufacturers. These arrangements often improve access and profitability for detailers but come at the cost of limiting options for customers. Every ceramic coating is handled in a bespoke manner where every coating is chosen on a case-by-case basis and special-ordered. This adds some variation to costs from one coating to another, and I have tried to categorize the numerous available ceramic coating options available in a simplistic way to add a little extra context as you begin to consider your options. I am genuinely fond of Gyeon coatings, but Show on the Road has also installed ceramic coatings by CarPro, 22ple, Gtechniq, Kamikaze, McKee’s 37, and more. Again, these are merely starting prices, and final estimates can vary, but I hope you find this helpful as opposed to one generic starting price or a statement to “contact us for more info.”